I realized the other day that I never got around to posting Jo's birth story. Thanks to all of you who prayed for her, or kept her in your thoughts. Things worked out...barely. :) I've included her story below, with her permission as she sent it to me:
"Jonas Quentin (Naz) was born last Tuesday, May 8th, a little ahead of schedule. Travis barely made it home from the far North.
He has jaundice, and we were just sent home yesterday from the hospital, so things have been chaotic since then."
"So I went into my appointment last Monday and they discovered I was already in labor. I couldn't feel contractions, but hey, the fetal monitor doesn't lie. So my doctor says that I have to check into the hospital by 11 pm - she gave me an hour to get Travis at the airport that night, and his luggage, and then straight to the hospital we went. I had to go on the monitor because of the preeclampsia, so they hook me up. I'm 3 1/2 centimeters at that point.
I hit 7 centimeters about 8 hours later. And then I start throwing up, and having the most incredible pain in my back. I try to tell them at that point that I think I'm having back labor, and that the baby must be face up. They admit it is a possibility, but think that I will deliver soon, so we keep going. They had to give me something for the nausea, and it makes me seriously loopy. Horrible taste, too, like rancid garlic.
Two hours later, I'm nearly 10 centimeters and they tell me I can start pushing. I had been wanting to push since 8 centimeters, and having to blow through it. Nobody told me that you would feel like pushing before you could.
Jonas was face up, and it took me two hours of pushing to get him out. BUT I am my own hero - I did it without cussing at anyone, and didn't get the epidural. So it's possible to do it. :) I did have a minor second degree tear, but it didn't bother me. I didn't even notice when it happened, because I had a baby on my chest. :-)
The bad thing was is that all that pushing caused his scalp to bruise, and that led to jaundice, and five days in the hospital. The lactation consultant I saw was a bully. She had me in tears my last day because he had lost some weight (his pediatrician wasn't worried, but the LC told me that she wouldn't let me go home, which I was desperate to do, unless I could prove I was feeding him! As if I would starve my baby!). So I had a nurse sort of supervise a feeding - I buzzed and she showed up in time to see him detach anyway.
Our first doctor appointment together was yesterday, and he had gained an ounce, so evidentally the old bitch doesn't know what she's talking about. Hag. (Not that I'm bitter - the ped let me go home that day anyway!)
So that's the story, in all it's gruesome details."
In other news, I am not sure if I've mentioned Esme before. She's one of my friends from my early days on JSO. She had a HELL of a time getting pregnant - several m/c's, bedrest, ovarian drilling...the works. She had her daughter...a little over a year ago I think. Then again, I'm horrible with time so for all I know it's been two years! :) Today I went to her myspace and found out that she has been diagnosed with cervical cancer. She's at a stage 1B1, meaning that it's still early. It hasn't spread yet - they did all sorts of tests on her - and they are going to be treating it very aggressively. She's only 26!!! Her insurance company is stupid - they won't pay for her to have a hysterectomy because it's not "medically necessary". WTH? Because it hasn't spread and she's not 30, they won't let her remove it and avoid the chance of getting ovarian cancer. Insurance companies are stupid!!! She's having the tumor removed today and she starts radiation tomorrow, combined with Chemo 1xwk. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. So far she seems to have a wonderful kick-ass attitude...and my mom says that's really important in getting through it.
What else...oh yeah. Now I'm terrified. I have my annual next week along with my mammogram. I turn 30 in a few weeks and while I had baseline done 3 years ago, it's time for me to have another. I have cysts in my breasts so I have to stay on top of the mammies...it's the only way to discover if they turn cancerous. My breasts have been a lot sorer than usual lately, despite the fact that I wasn't drinking any caffeine for about a week due to being sick. This worries me...
Aaron starts class today. He's taking an English class over the summer to work on his pass/fail rate and get his GPA up so he qualifies for financial aid. It's going to take a while, especially at once class at a time, but it's all we can do. i'm wishing I was going back to school as my life is a lot less hectic when I'm in school - that sounds bad! Summer is just the only time the boss has to take vacations, and I have time to get all my docs caught up on. So..spinal injection, physical therapy, 3 root canals, my annual, the mammogram...and that's just what I have scheduled already. Most of our friends have birthdays over the summer too, as well as mine, so it's super busy. And hot - I think I'm going to die of heatstroke. Today it is 91* and it's only 2:30..and overcast. Stupid muggy.
Ok, I think I'm done rambling. One last thing - friend Elena (who is my birthday buddy) is due (after 3 eyars of trying) on the 6th. Thoughts her way, please!!!
1 day ago
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