Mel made a most excellent post today, about reaching out to others. I thought "what an excellent idea! It will give me an excuse to de-lurk on some blogs, and perhaps find others that speak to me!" Given that I am not a particularly eloquent writer, I just snagged Mel's sample post and put it here.
Think of this as the most interesting delurking project you'll ever participate in. After giving back to others at the Celebratory Society, I have decided to participate in it myself. You can understand the project in full by clicking here, but in brief, the Celebratory Society is an online festschrift for a blogger--a way for you to tell me what my blog or actions mean to you. But this isn't about me--this is about you too. And I would love it if you returned to your own blog, started your own Celebratory Society post, added it to the main project list, and gave me the opportunity to tell you
18 hours ago
Hi, my first time here.
I decided to read a couple of your posts before I wrote. Get to know you.
wow, you're articulate and funny and to the point. I like it. You seem feisty and I love a feisty friend. Plus you write with an honest heart, like you know it's not "what you should write" but dammit you have to.
You hurt and you write, you celebrate and you write, you don't know where to turn and you write. That takes a very special kind of person to do that for us, to open yourself to us.
I'd like to follow your journey!
I think for me, the most moving posts have been the ones about your mother, both before her death and after. You write so beautifully and my heart went out to you for that loss.
Also my first time visting today. I look forward to reading your blog, you are another strong woman in our little club of IF, and that my friend makes you so very cool.
Also my first time visting today. I look forward to reading your blog, you are another strong woman in our little club of IF, and that my friend makes you so very cool.
I have been an absentee in the blogosphere for to long. You are one of the few people out there who gets how scary some things truly are. I have read your blog off and on for a few years now, and, every time I come back, I am reminded why I started reading in the first place.
You have insight into things that many just gloss over. You can show a great deal of emotion with a simple turn of phrase.
I always loved your very raw and honest posts about your mother during her illness.
I love the honesty of your writing. There doesn't seem to be a subject you are afraid to tackle. I also love that all the emotions you are feeling can be felt through your written word. You are an extremely talented writer and I'm glad you are sharing your journey with us.
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