I got my first semi-rude comment on my blog yesterday! I'm so proud - I feel like a real blogger now. So you don't have to go find it, I'm going to post it here...and then I'm going to dissect just what's wrong with it. :)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The drama llama has arrived":
So not only would going to the gym help you lose weight but it would also help your disease and yet you "can't find time" Somehow you manage to find time to be online constantly. Hmmm.
It's only semi-rude, because they do have a point...sorta.
Going to the gym is supposed to be able to help me feel better. It will not help me lose weight - never has, because my weight issue is not due to overeating. Aside from having PCOS and metabolic syndrome (which go hand-in-hand most of the time), I also have Wilson's syndrome. These three together make it next to impossible for me to lose weight just by going to the gym. At the beginning of the year, I was below 200. In the past year, I have gone back up to 215...which is where I was two years ago. It took me 2 years to lose 15 pounds...and what did it was starting two new meds at the same time. I lost those 15 in a month...but didn't lose anymore.
All of that was also before my fibro got to the point where it is now, where everything hurts all the time and I don't even want to move...and not moving hurts too. Exercise hurts more at the beginning but will get easier as I go, or so they tell me. THEY, however, don't have fibromyalgia and thus do not understand that I have to convince myself that MORE PAIN is obviously the answer to LESS PAIN. I fail to see how that works. You want me to cause myself even more pain than I already have, on the theory that it will help me to have less pain? Oh, and look - the medication they're giving me for the fibro causes weight gain! Huh...no wonder I've packed on 15 pounds in the last TWO MONTHS since I've been on it.
As for being online constantly, I'm actually not. I appear to be, as I leave my browser open to a forum I belong to because it's one of the first things I check in the morning. My messengers are also on 24/7, so people can leave me messages. I'm going to assume that dear Anony is from the forum, as I can't think of any other place where I would register as being online constantly that I also have a blog link. I'm also going to assume that dear Anony is new to that forum, since they visited me. :) I could be wrong, but since they weren't willing to put a name to the comment so I could address them directly instead of here, I'll just have to go on my assumptions until proven otherwise.
It's time for me to get dressed (which should take about 30 minutes instead of 10 because today is a bad hip day) and go see the doc (who is going to chew me out for not going to the gym). I'm going to have to explain to him why I haven't had time - between being a full time student with classes/papers/projects/tests galore and working 25 hours a week and running my household I just haven't had time this semester. I will try to work it into my routine for next semester - interrupting a routine at the end of the semester is just asking for trouble. I also have a Biology Lab exam today, as well as my Med Term test (possibly). I have to turn in a project that I have failed miserably on because I don't understand Access and maybe work on a presentation for tomorrow. In leaving, I'd like to ask everyone to please use a name when submitting comments, and maybe a way to contact you so I don't have to do this again. :) Thanks for reading, all, and sorry it was so long.
1 day ago