It's been a while since I updated. Thanks to those who checked in on me - I appreciate it.
There's a lot going on these days, most of it not so good. I am now on Prednisol for my back - it started a major flare and even through the painkiller/muscle relaxer haze I could feel the pain. One day of that and I went back to the doc. He has me on a Prednisol treatment for 2 weeks, see if that can get calmed down. Other than that there isn't much they can do for me. According to them, it isn't impinging on any nerves so they don't advise surgery. Gee...because who'd want to be without pain?! The downside to the Prednisol is that it makes you gain weight. So all that water weight I lost? I gained it back. I'm up to 200 exactly again. But it's ok...I'm still under 215, which is where I started!
I took a biology exam today - and totally failed it. I got 54 out of 100 points. I don't know what happened - I studied for 3 hours this morning. I KNOW that stuff. I could talk about it all day long. I'm absolutely fascinated by genes and genetics and was seriously contemplating a degree as a genetics counselor. I got in there to test...and I went blank. was as if I'd never seen any of it before. I am so upset right now, I don't know what to do.
Saturday was a blast. I went out with my friend Michelle and her boyfriend to a Roadster show. About the time I was done with that, Sabrina messaged me to tell me her itinerary for the night so Aaron and I could go join up with her and bunch of her friends for a girls' night out. Yes, I know Aaron isn't a girl but the exception was allowed. He's really good with women - he was raised by them! He's also really good at putting people at ease and blending in. Sabrina allowed it so I would come out with her - I have issues in group social settings where I don't know anyone, and I couldn't reasonably expect Sabrina to babysit me all night. I'm really glad we went out though - I haven't had that much fun in a long time. We stayed out drinking and dancing until 2am!
It reminds me of This is NOT what I ordered!: My New Definition of Fun from Zee. For once I went out drinking with friends and didn't think about where I was in my cycle, or if I should drink, or school, or the homework I should be doing, or the pain I would be in the next day. I just...had fun. And I was in pain on Sunday - I woke up thinking "OMG I HAVE KNEES!" but I didn't have a hangover. Today I'm much better, and tomorrow will be even better than today. Sabrina has also invited us to come out this next weekend to celebrate one of the other girls' birthdays...she likes us going out with her. I won't abandon her for some strange man, like some of the girls did, or wander the bar in search of a man, or just leave her hanging. I brough my man with I didn't need to go home. :) Aaron and Sabrina danced together quite a bit, which I'm not sure what I think of that yet. It was at my prompting...and I'm having to face my past over this...but I tihnk I'll be ok. It's time to face some of my fears and hope they are unfounded. Aaron is good enough to keep me updated on everything, so for now all is well.
Other than school, work, and the fact that I'm finally making some new female friends, there isn't a whole lot going on in my world. Sorry I haven't updated recently - I haven't had anything to day. I'm just passing time until school is out and I can relax for the summer! I hope all of you are doing well - I'm going out to enjoy the sunshine!
1 day ago
Ouch! Sorry about your back pain. Hubby has the same and it's a bear. I hope the Prednisol does its job and gives you some relief.
As for the other - I'm so glad you're out enjoying the hell out of your life! That's great, Tigger.
And don't sweat the biology exam. Sometimes the brain checks out when you need it - I'm sure it will be there when you take the next one.
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